
How Can A Military RPL Help Your Career Transition

Transitioning from military to civilian life is not as rose-coloured as it sounds. According to Pew Research Centre Study, about 95% of military veterans seek employment after retiring from the military. 

As per the same study, about 28% of veterans found the transitioning process very difficult. This number went up by 48% serving in the military after the 9/11 incident. 

There’s no doubt that the transitioning process from military to a civilian jobs is challenging and uncertain. However, Military RPL certification can help wrinkle out a few of these roadblocks in the transition phase.

What Is A Military RPL? 

Military RPL is a certification process that recognises your skills and expertise into qualifications that any employer can easily understand. This certification course translates your abilities and knowledge into valuable credentials often sought after in the civilian employment market. 

Benefits Of A Military RPL 

It’s a shame that experience and skills accumulated during military service are not recognised as professional qualifications for civilian jobs, even though they hold high value. Limited and lack of traditional education puts many military veterans at a loss when it comes to the employment market.

For this very purpose, many veterans often switch to traditional diploma and certification courses to build the needed skill set. 

Not only does it cost them much time and money, but it also results in too much of a gap. This again places them in a disadvantageous position due to the volatile nature of the job market. 

It’s very likely that the required qualification for your desired job profile can change during the time you were busy completing a diploma course. However, this isn’t the case with Military RPL. It’s cheap, less time consuming and helps you build on your strength for any civilian job profile.

Here are a few benefits of RPL for military veterans.

Serves As A Proof Of Your Military Skills 

RPL serves as a nationally recognised certification for your skills and knowledge. Service in the military is undoubtedly demanding, both physically and mentally. This course assesses your current knowledge and previously attained education to determine your qualifications for a specific job profile. 

RPL certifications give credibility to your existing abilities and an edge over your competitors.

Allows You To Leverage Your Military Experience 

Leadership, teamwork and discipline are a few traits that employers often look for in the pool of candidates. These characteristics constitute only a portion of qualities that are drilled into military veterans during their service.

RPL certification allows you to leverage your current skillset by serving as a source of credibility for your knowledge on paper. 

Helps You To Make A Fresh Start

RPL certificates, unlike traditional courses, take only a week to complete, saving you loads of money and time. It also improves your chances of employability by helping you build a personalised and dynamic profile.

RPL unlock several opportunities for you to choose from. Through this certification, you can easily tap into roles like Leadership, Management, Work heat and Safety, Security Risk Management, etc., if you have the required skills.

Summing Up 

Military RPL helps you earn national recognition for your practical knowledge and skills. This course helps you assess your strength and further equips you with various qualifications required for your desired job role.

However, it should be noted that RPL isn’t a key to endless job opportunities. This certification course only serves as proof of current abilities and learnings.

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